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Food Tours in South Jersey

On the Town Food Tours

For the Love of Food!

On the Town Food Tours

A Taste of South Jersey’s Best

On the Town Food Tours

On The Town Food Tours

The reason for starting this walking food tour business, established in 2014, was so that I could share my love of food with a larger audience. My objective when touring is to have people learn about the food culture of a town we visit and be open to trying different dishes and cuisines.

In many ways, I feel like I am a part of the local business community when I visit towns. This company gives me the opportunity to drive additional business to towns where we have walking food tours. One of my great pleasures in running tours is showcasing the culinary talent and hard work of restaurant and shop owners, who bring quality products and great service to customers every day. Tour guests will have the opportunity to speak with owners and learn more about them and their businesses.

Audrey Wiggins, Owner & Operator

Mount Holly Food Tours

Join us as we sample delicious comfort food, tasty Jamaican cuisine, enjoy a Mexican breakfast, drink craft beer. Visit Mill Race Village for shopping. (21 and over)
1:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M.

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Haddonfield Food Tours

We’ll enjoy food from the farmer's Market (May- Oct), Indian cuisine, Canadian with a twist, and the Mediterranean. Plus, enjoy craft beer and fine chocolates. There are several shopping opportunities too. (21 and over)
12:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M.
1:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M.

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Collingswood Food Tours

We invite you to taste Thai, traditional Mexican cuisines, and a local favorite sandwich with a twist. Visit a nostalgic candy shop and a patisserie for delicious, sweet treats. Plus, shopping which includes an olive oil and vinegar shop.
1:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M.

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Bordentown City Food Tours

Enjoy artwork and various cuisines while you embark on a historical tour of this Revolutionary War town with innovative upscale Italian, gourmet pizza, and homemade pasta with a variety of sauces.
1:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M.

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Hammonton Food Tours

With a large Hispanic population in Hammonton comes an abundant number of Mexican restaurants and shops for traditional tastes, street food and desert for a tasty experience. A craft beer sampling is included (21 and over)
Sat: 1:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M.

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Atlantic City Food Tours

Eat at restaurants that have existed in the Ducktown District (old Italian section) since the early 1900s: Italian, fish taco, famous sub/hoagie. Come and hear the interesting story of Atlantic City, visit the Boardwalk, tour an art gallery and speak with established artists.
2:30 P.M. – 5:30 P.M.

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Burlington City Food Tours

Learn and eat with historical stops, tasty seafood pasta, delicious slider, a soul food classic with a delightful desert, and a local roaster coffee tasting.
Sat: 1:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M.

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Medford Food Tours

Smoked barbecue, a juicy fried chicken sandwich and comfort food make this tour not to be missed. Plus, visit the Shops at Medford Mill.
2:30 P.M. – 5:30 P.M.

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Haddon Township Food Tours

Enjoy Venezuelan, Turkish, and Sichuan Province (China) Cuisines. Included is retail shopping and a visit to a specialty Italian food shop.
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

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Beautiful african american woman eating a delicious bagel with vegetables at a restaurant looking happy and very hungry

Providing Fun & Delicious, Educational Food Experiences

Enjoy experiences in neighborhoods that have some of the best restaurants and bakeries in the state of New Jersey. We are excited to provide a service that gives people the opportunity to explore the diversity of food and discover neighborhood culture and history. People are exposed to so much in the food world through television programs, movies, food trucks, food bloggers, and so on. The American palate is more sophisticated today than ever before. People are searching for new food experiences, and food tours are a wonderful way to sample some of the tastiest food created by talented chefs and bakers in our area.

group sitting at large table actively eating

What Is a New Jersey Food Tour?

A food tour is where people gather to be a part of a tasting experience. It provides an opportunity for people to sample sweet and savory food items from multiple restaurants and bakery stops along a walking route. A tour can take a few hours or it can last several hours. It’s also a place to meet people and share food experiences with like-minded folks. To sum it up, there’s a meeting location, introductions, sampling of food along a walking route, reminiscing about the fun just had and the tour ends.

Tour Testimonials

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Tour Locations

Atlantic City

Atlantic City, NJ, USA


Bordentown, NJ 08505, USA


Collingswood, NJ, USA


Hammonton, NJ, USA

Mount Holly

Mt Holly, NJ, USA


Haddonfield, NJ, USA

On the Town Food Tours!



Tour Hours
During the week and weekends
(See Tour Schedule for Availability)

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